MOA Member Feature: Five Star Family Farms
December 17, 2020
Mid-America Organic Conference 2021: Joining Together with One Voice
March 30, 2021Dear Valued Relationships of MOA,
As we all take time to look back on 2020 and the things that impacted our lives with our families, with our businesses, and other relationships, it’s been quite a year. I would hope it serves us well as we look forward to the events ahead and for a bright future in 2021.
This past year I want us to remember the people that have made so many sacrifices to keep us safe. From our leadership to our healthcare workers and to all the businesses that try to survive and service us in ways we’ve become a custom to.
We all have so many personal heroes that we can thank for the opportunity of living in this great nation, and the ability to have these fantastic opportunities.
In the light of everything going on, it’s been a great year for MOA and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a committed Board and Staff.
Our old vision combined with our new vision of creating value with everyone we do business with, as we reach out across the state to help the MOA members to network with many organic opportunities.
Also, we are building relationships with other associations to create a strong one voice unified organic message to access information from each other, to help educate our MOA members in the newest techniques, products, and equipment that’s available, to Increase our yields and performance.
So being apart of our conference and a new program for 2021, we believe that it will be a big benefit for both members and sponsors/supporters.
It’s all about the advantages of an organic system and how we create a better environment for all of us to live in by embracing the Organic system for our new generation of consumers that Believe in our organic Products that our members grow on their organic land.
We hope you will look at MOA as just one of the places you share your blessing by tithing and gifting to our fundraiser programs to help MOA complete its mission.
It takes all of us working together to make it work and we ask for your help and support by making MOA part of your annual Gifting.
God Bless and have a great 2021 to you all.
Bill Cook
President of the Board for the Missouri Organic Association