2022 Mid-America Organic Conference – Leave it Better Than You Found It!
February 11, 2022
MOA Member Feature: Pepper Berries Urban Farm
July 4, 2022The Missouri Department of Agriculture has received FY21 COVID stimulus funds from the USDA. As of April 28, 2022, MDA is accepting applications, from specialty crop producers, for reimbursement of projects that respond to COVID-19 impacts. This may include projects that assist farmworkers, projects to fund farmers, food businesses, and other relevant entities or projects that respond to supply chain disruptions.
The Department will consider grant awards up to a maximum of $10,000 for a specific project. Cash or in-kind matching contributions are not required.
Applications are due to MDA by 3pm on Monday, May 16, 2022.
Projects may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Mitigating specialty crop producer and/or consumer issues caused by COVID-19
- Assisting with farmworker protection from COVID-19
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including, but not limited to, gloves, masks, clothing coverings and hand sanitizer
- Portable air filtration systems
- Portable hand washing stations
- Fogger systems
- Facility adjustments including Plexiglass barriers and spacing adjustments
- Software systems for online ordering and no-contact pickup up to $5,000
- Tools to keep workflow moving without disinfecting all day long
Unallowable Costs:
- Worker transportation, unless specifically for transporting individuals to receive COVID-19 vaccines
- Permanent Infrastructure
- Specialty crop donations
Check out https://agriculture.mo.gov/abd/financial/specialtycrop-covid.php for more information.
Please reach out to Rachel Heimericks, Grants Manager with the Missouri Department of Agriculture, with any questions you may have. Contact her by phone at (573) 522-1955 or via email at Rachel.Heimericks@mda.mo.gov.
Applications Due:
Monday, May 16, 2022
Grant Application Documents:
FY21 SCBG H.R. 133 Grant – Application
Here at Missouri Organic Association, we are dedicated to our local farmers across the state. We will continue to find and promote any further assistance for those impacted by COVID-19. If you have further questions or concerns, we’d love to help. Contact MOA by phone (573) 694-4739, by email info@moaorganic.org, or by using our online contact form!
Missouri Organic Association (MOA) is a non-profit membership organization founded in 1993 by the organic farming community of Missouri. From its beginning, MOA has dedicated itself to holding an annual organic conference for its members and the farmers/producers of all organic agriculture-related production. Throughout the year we work to support and empower farmers, business owners, and consumers with an interest in organic and sustainable agriculture. We do this through promotions on social media, holding educational workshops, quarterly newsletters, monthly email updates, and our annual conference.
To keep in the loop with everything that the Missouri Organic Association is up to throughout the year, be sure to subscribe to our email list!