SARE Our Farms, Our Future Conference
March 15, 2018
Virtual Learning Opportunity: Small Grains, Intercropping & Forages with AgriSecure
July 29, 2020As much of the world is still practicing social distancing, innovative virtual learning has gained traction instead. These opportunities provide a great way to continue educating yourself from a safe distance.
One of these opportunities is the Commercial Fruit Crop Production Webinar produced by University of Missouri Extension.
Take advantage of this webinar series that features a comprehensive curriculum of classes aimed at commercial fruit growers! While one class has already passed, there are many other options for those looking to learn more about commercial fruit crop production.
Classes are divided as being of general or specialized knowledge.
General knowledge classes include: Site selection and planting, Crop fertility, Orchard and berries weed management, Basics of Integrated Pest Management, Grafting, Marketing fruit crops, Processing fruit crops: value-added products, and economics.
Specialized knowledge classes include: Strawberries, Brambles, Blueberries, Stone fruit, Apples & Pears, Nut trees, Table grapes, Wine grapes, Specialty tree crops, Specialty berries, and Elderberries.
Cost: $150 for the whole series; $25 for individual classes
Contact: Juan Cabrera-Garcia, jcabrera-garcia@missouri.edu, 573-686-8064
Learn more and register for the webinar HERE!
(All information retrieved from MU Extension)