Free Learning Opportunity: Women Caring for the Land/Women Owning Woodland-Woodland and Wildlife Habitat
August 5, 2020Join the Missouri Master Gardener Extension Program for this educational opportunity!
This is an in depth horticulture training for Missourians who wish to spread their knowledge of gardening. Prepares volunteers for horticulture questions frequently asked by citizens around the state, based on unbiased research-based gardening information.
Time: Sessions are 10 am to 12 pm
Cost: $200
Contact: Jennifer Schutter, schutterjl@missouri.edu, 660-665-9866
You can find the original event page here: Master Gardener Training in Adair County
Master Gardener is a program with the University of Missouri Extension. MU Extension is a partnership of the University of Missouri campuses, Lincoln University, the people of Missouri through county extension councils, and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Interested in learning more about the importance of soil health in gardening? Check out one of our other blog posts, Talking About Soil Health with Dan Kuebler
Stay up to date with all the educational events in Missouri by visiting Missouri Organic Association’s News & Resources page!